It all begins at His throne. When we fall down before His feet.
It all begins with love. Begin with Loving.
If you couldn't do this before, then begin today.
Our church is made up of dozens of Nations and is a part of the federation of free Pentecostal churches in Germany (BFP). We love Fellowship and believe in a Love greater than all our differences.
Our Services are Held with moving Messages and deep worship whereby mostly in different languages. – mostly in Spanish and German. Translation into other languages (English, Italian, Turkish, Romanian) are possible upon request. Just tell us your language before the church service begins.
-Pr. José Montas

The most Sermons are held by Pastor Montas
,in other cases one of the
Pastors and Leaders take over
Most Topics include Love,
Family, Relationships, Identity,
and daily battles of a christian believer.